Manuke Station BBS

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The Lights in the Sky Are Stars

投稿者: Manuke 投稿日:

  Overhead and in the far distance the lights in the sky are stars. The stars they tell us we can never reach bacause they are too far away. They lie; we'll get there. If rockets won't take us, something will.

    *    *    *

 ロリイは吠えた。「マックス――アンドルーズ! こん畜生め、去年じゅうどこをほっつきまわってた?」

  I phoned Treasure Island and asked for the head mech, Rory Bursteder. His voice come on and I said, "This is Max, Rory. How's everything?"
  He said, "Max who?"
  "Max No Difference," I told him.
  Rory roared, "Max Andrews! You son of a bitch you, where you been the last year?"

    *    *    *

「伯父さんは知らない。見たことがないから。でも、でたらめの、ろくでもない番組だとしても、それを見てると坊やはロック・ブレイクみたいに星まで飛んでいってみたくなるんだろ? だったら、やっぱりいい番組さ」
「そうだよ、ね? ぼくもそう思うんだ。それにキャプテン・スペースの冒険だって……凄かったよ、今日は。ライオンみたいな頭をした緑色のやつらと喧嘩するとこ。ええと、その星はね、シリ――シリ……」

  "And he says it's a punk, junky program for me to watch, but he lets me watch it. Do you think it's a punk, junky program?"
  "I don't know, Billy. I've never watched it. But whether it's punky-junky or not, if watching it makes you want to go out to the stars like Rock Blake does, then it's a good program for you to watch."
  "Gee, I think too, Uncle Max. And the Captain Space program too. Gee, this afternoon he was fighting with green people with heads like lions on a plan-net of Sir--Sir--"
  "That's it, Sirius. Do you think there are really green people like that up there?"
  I grinned at him. "I'll show you where you can go to find out, Billy."
  And I pointed out Sirius to him, the brightest star in the sky.

※"Martias and Madness"収録の"The Lights in the Sky Are Stars"(Fredric Brown氏作)及び、ハヤカワSF文庫『天の光はすべて星』(田中融二氏訳)より引用


